Friday, September 25, 2015

                                         How social media change our life?

            A lot of criticism has been leveled at social media and the effect of it is on the way students process and retain information, as well as how distracting it can be.

            Social media offers plenty of opportunities for learning and interaction. By using technology in classrooms, the young generation is paving a new way of education and learning. We are getting to explore and experience the world not only by books but also by adapting a new form of communication.

            Trough social media we can make our life more easier especially in life of every students. Through this, we can easily make our projects, assignments and reports exploring this world of more knowledgeable not only for us but also for the coming generations. For our near profession, it is a good learning resource that we the molders of young generations are skilled and equipped well with this new technology.

            Although we can’t deny the fact that social media has a lot of disadvantages, for me, there will be no disadvantages if we know to ourselves how and when we are going to used it.

Social Media sa buhay ng Tao

Ang social media sa buhay ng tao
Malaking tulong ang naibibigay nito
Saang dako ka man ng ating mundo
Sadyang maaabot ka nito.

Kapamilya, Kapuso, o Kapatid man kayo
Wala sa channel ang paggamit dito
Sa ngayong henerasyon ng ating mundo
Dapat maging mapagmatyag din tayo.

Social media gamitin ng wasto
Huwag gamitin sa pagsira ng ibang tao
Sa makatwid maging tulay ito
Sa pagbuo ng ating pagkatao.

Maraming epekto ang dulot nito
Pero isa lang ang masasabi ko
Social media kailangan ka sa mundong ito
Sapagkat ikaw ang kumukonekta sa iba’t ibang uri ng tao.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

                          My teacher my hero

"A hero is a man who does what he can"
Romain Rolland


                In life, people may come and go, some will be remembered and some are forgotten. But one thing is for sure, I will never forget the person who inspires and encouraged me to strives for greatness, live to our fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. Someone we admire and someone aspire to be like and a person who is known as my second parent.

                We learn through them, through their commitment to excellence and through their ability to make us realize our own personal growth, who did efforts for me to gain knowledge, the one who scolds and correct me when I'm doing wrong, the one who has been there as I face to reach the stepping stones in my life. The one we look for advice and guidance.

                After all, they never give up and they never stop to fill us with knowledge and when we are going to fall, they are always there to reach our hand and pull us back. They encouraged us to study well to become a successful individual someday. They are always there for us no matter what happened. They give a better future on each young minds sitting on the armchair, learning how wonderful life is. They included in my inspiration to continue life despite of many circumstances that I faced. They taught me to become a strong person and above all they taught me to be faithful and thankful for every Gods blessing.

                All teachers can be a hero if they have determination, patience, courage and dedication to work that can really inspire students. A hero is not only famous and seen on television because you can be a hero on your own simple way.

                For all teachers who became part of my life, I'm very thankful and proud  because you are the reasons why I became as what I am now. You are the best hero for me. My teacher, my hero.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

How to Be a Better Elementary School Teacher

10 Ways to be a Better Teacher Today

While you have spent years learning your craft, there is always room for improvement. We are always looking for ways to make our students better learners, but how often do we step back and take a look at how we can improve? Here are some articles to help you sharpen your skills.

 - Photo Jon Riley/Getty Images
An educational philosophy statement is the teachers' view on education. Photo Jon Riley/Getty Images

1.  Revisit Your Educational Philosophy

Most people write their educational philosophy while they are in college. What you once thought about education, may not be how you feel today. Take a look at your statement once again. Do you still believe in the same things as you did back then? 

 - Photo Michael Blann/Getty Images
Photo Michael Blann/Getty Images

2.  Gain Insight with Educational Books

 Some of the best books for educators are the ones that delve into subjects that give great insight to topics that will transform the way we think. These topics are often controversial or popular in the media. Here we will take a look at three books that offer great knowledge, insight, and strategies for the way teachers can educate our youth. More »
digital-vision-3.jpg - Photo Digital Vision/Getty Images
Photo Digital Vision/Getty Images

3.  Re-Define What Your Role is as a Teacher

The role of a teacher is to help students apply concepts, such as math, English, and science through classroom instruction and presentations. Their role is also to prepare lessons, grade papers, manage the classroom, meet with parents, and work closely with school staff. Being a teacher is much more than just executing lesson plans, they also carry the role of a surrogate parent, disciplinarian, mentor, counselor, book keeper, role model, planner and many more. In today's world a teacher's role is a multifaceted profession.  
 - Photo Courtesy of Cavan Images/Getty Images
Photo Courtesy of Cavan Images/Getty Images

4.  Keep Up-to-Date With Technology

 As a teacher, it's part of the job description to keep up with the latest in educational innovations. If we didn't, how would we keep our students' interest? Technology is growing at a very rapid pace. It seems like everyday there is some new gadget that will help us learn better and faster. Here we will take a look at the technology trends for 2014 for the K-5 classroom. 
anderson-ross-stockbyte.jpg - Photo Andersen Ross/Stickbyte/Getty Images
Photo Andersen Ross/Stickbyte/Getty Images

5.  Be Able to Implement Technology into the Classroom

 At this day and age, it's hard to keep up with the must-have tech tools for education. It seems like a new device to help us learn quicker and better comes out every week. With the ever-changing technology, it can seem like an uphill battle to know what is the best way to integrate the latest technology into your classroom. Here we will take a look what are the best tech tools for student learning.
 - Photo Dave Nagel/Getty Images
Building a classroom community will students connect to others. Photo Dave Nagel/Getty Images

6.  Facilitate Interpersonal Relationships Within the Classroom

In today's world students idea of socializing is online with their friends on Facebook and Twitter. Children as young as eight and nine years old are using these social networking sites! Build a classroom community that prioritizes human interaction, communication, respect, and cooperation. 
 - Photo Janelle Cox
Photo Janelle Cox

7.  Get in the Loop With Educational Jargon

Just like in every occupation, education has a list or set of words it uses when referring to specific educational entities. These buzzwords are used freely and frequently in the educational community. Whether you are a veteran teacher or just starting out, it is essential to keep up with the latest educational jargon. Study these words, their meaning, and how you would implement them into your classroom. 
 - Photo Palmino producation/getty images
Photo Palmino producation/getty images

8.  Motivate Good Behavior Versus Disciplining Bad Behavior

As teachers, we often find ourselves in situations where our students are being uncooperative or disrespectful to others. To eliminate this behavior, it's important to address it before it becomes a problem. A great way to do this is by using a few simple behavior management strategies that will help promote appropriate behavior.  
jasper-white-1.jpg - Photo Jasper White/Taxi/Getty Images
Photo Jasper White/Taxi/Getty Images

9.  Improve Learning with Hands-on Activities

 Studies have shown that children learn better, and retain information quicker when they are given a variety of ways to learn.Change up your normal routine of worksheets and textbooks and allow students to experiment with a few hands-on science activities. More »
jasper-white-digital-vision.jpg - Photo Jasper White/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Photo Jasper White/Digital Vision/Getty Images

10.  Make Learning Fun Again

 Remember when you were a child and kindergarten was a time to play and learn to tie your shoes? Well times have changed and it seems like all we hear about today is the common core standards and how politicians are pushing for students to be "college ready." How can we make learning fun again? Here are ten ways to help you engage students and make learning fun.

7 Ed Tech Trends to Watch in 2014

1) 3D Printing

3D Printers which enable makers to create whatever they can imagine and design have exploded into mainstream culture over the past year.  Libraries are creating DIY makerspaces and providing these new tools of production to their communities along with opportunities for skill-building in math and engineering which are required to design 3D objects.  And schools aren’t far behind, realizing the many educational possibilities of the devices.
The Poland and Hong Kong based GADGETS3D  has launched an initiative called the “3D Printer in Every School” project in which they have designed a low cost, small 3D printer specifically created for the classroom.  Schools will be able to purchase the RepRap G3D printer for $245 as part of an educational kit.  They will also be donating to a free printer to 500 schools around the world.  The printers will be able to be access remotely by students doing homework, via their smartphones. The NYC-based MakerBot Academy has launched an initiative to put a MakerBot Desktop 3D Printer in every school in the United States of America by crowdfunding the costs.
2) MOOCs
MOOCs or massively open online courses have exploded in popularity over the past two years and will continue to grow over the next several.  These (usually) free courses are attended by hundreds of thousands of students at the same time and offer both certificates of completion and occasionally college credit.  Online students can learn anything from basic computer skills to art history from Ivy-League professors at well-respected institutions such as MIT, Harvard, Yale, Duke, and more.  Although they have their challenges, mainly in the area of assessment, these online courses have demonstrated significant value to millions of students who would never have had the opportunity for such an educational experience if not for MOOCs.  I believe we will be seeing much more of these online courses in the coming years as they work out the kinks in the evaluation of large numbers of students and refine their focus.  I think we’ll also start to see platforms dedicated to corporate MOOCs providing online training for businesses.  For more on MOOCs, check out my previous article: The Future of MOOCs.


3) Big Data

Educational institutions, both higher ed and K-12, are making use of student data to improve classes, teaching methods, and entire programs.  Just as businesses have been mining such data for years in order to predict trends and consumer behavior patterns, schools are now finding that such “learning analytics” will be effective in personalizing the educational experience for students at the individual level as well.  This year’s NMC Horizon Report – 2013 Higher Education Edition on emerging technologies in higher ed identifies Learning Analytics as a significant trend on the horizon with adoption over the next two to three years.  They also provide many examples of learning analytics in use in higher education settings.

4) Digital Textbooks

Digital textbooks replace the traditional print text book with an e-Book which is usually interactive and oftentimes open or free to use and sometimes edit.  These new digital versions of classroom tomes have been undergoing pilot projects in K-12 classrooms for several years now.  The largest challenge with assigning digital textbooks remains the equality of access to the devices which make reading these educational eBooks possible.  However, they remain a viable Ed Tech trend and one that I think we’ll continue to see in the coming years, especially as device prices steadily drop.  According to a recent survey by Enterasys Secure Networks, 37 percent of K-12 teachers say they plan to transition to only digital textbooks within the next one to five years.

5) Gamification

Gamification or utilizing the tenants of game theory in designing instructional materials in order to better engage learners has steadily earned the respect of educational institutions over the past several years.  Adding the concept of play to education and relying on people’s competitive nature and innate desire for achievement and successful outcomes to complex problems is what gamification is all about.  And it’s proven to be very successful
According to a recent study by WeAreTeachers, 55% of the teachers surveyed use digital online games as part of their instruction, and 63% agree that students are more willing to practice difficult skills when presented in a game-like format.  Games-oriented labs and studios are popping up at universities such as the GameStudio at Boise State UniversityPennsylvania State University’s Educational Gaming CommonsGames Research Lab at Columbia University’s Teachers College, and the Engagement Game Lab at Emerson College.

6) The Flipped Classroom

The Flipped Classroom is an active learning model which inverts the traditional method of providing instruction by providing video lectures for students to watch before class at home and activities and discussion in the classroom.  This relatively new style utilizes online learning platforms such as Coursera and The Khan Academy to host video lectures and ed tech tools such as ShowMe  andEducreations to provide lessons via mobile whiteboards.  At this point, instructors are still hesitant to completely flip their classrooms as there is a concern that not all students will have access to the technology to view the online videos and lessons, but I imagine this is only a matter of time.  I think what we’re most waiting for is the professors and teachers to become savvy enough to be able to create them. But this is definitely a trend to watch in the coming year(s).


7) Mobile learning

With the proliferation of tablets, smartphones, and other devices, educators have increasingly been embracing this new BYOD culture.  They are using communication apps such as Twitter in classrooms, productivity tools such as Evernote, Dropbox, and Google Docs, digital textbook apps such as iBooks Author, video apps such as iTunesU, as well as apps specifically geared toward certain subject areas.  The latest NMC Horizon Report – 2013 Higher Education Edition on emerging technologies in higher ed discusses tablet computing as a major emerging trend with mainstream adoption within the next year.  The report provides many examples of specific apps being used in the classroom as well as educational institutions which have rolled out tablet programs.