Friday, September 25, 2015

                                         How social media change our life?

            A lot of criticism has been leveled at social media and the effect of it is on the way students process and retain information, as well as how distracting it can be.

            Social media offers plenty of opportunities for learning and interaction. By using technology in classrooms, the young generation is paving a new way of education and learning. We are getting to explore and experience the world not only by books but also by adapting a new form of communication.

            Trough social media we can make our life more easier especially in life of every students. Through this, we can easily make our projects, assignments and reports exploring this world of more knowledgeable not only for us but also for the coming generations. For our near profession, it is a good learning resource that we the molders of young generations are skilled and equipped well with this new technology.

            Although we can’t deny the fact that social media has a lot of disadvantages, for me, there will be no disadvantages if we know to ourselves how and when we are going to used it.

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